Calvary Life is YOUR Neighborhood Church Family.
A place for you to gather together with others to grow upward, inward, and outward. When you connect in a real and meaningful way with God you will experience personal transformation, thriving marriages, fruitful families and you will become a blessing to others.
#churchfamily #spiritualgrowth #realchange
We are in Brooklyn
10:00 a.m. @ 1974 Coney Island Ave. -- Stay up to date! Get the App!
When you can't make it in person
You can also join in via the apps Live Stream with interactive chat, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live . There is a 15 minute discussion period following the message.
Whether on-line or in-person we are a church near you. #brooklynchurches #calvarybrooklyn
Whether on-line or in-person we are a church near you. #brooklynchurches #calvarybrooklyn

What to Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. We teach through the scriptures, book by book and verse by verse. There is a time of small group discussion after the message. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meet new people. #Bible Church #worship #childrenchurch

What about my kids...
What's Next

We at Calvary Life are here to support you and your family we are engaging our next generation in meaningful ways building up their relationship with Jesus and others. Kids programs, youth programs, family nights and more... We keep everyone in mind and everyone has a place here. Calvary Kids are doing amazing things check out their devotionals in our media area. #calvarykids
Once you accept Jesus, take the next steps to GROW in your relationship with Him. At CALVARY, it’s quite simple:
1) have consistent daily devotions
2) Attend both Sunday service, and a LIFE Group,
3) and join the men, or women’s bible studies, and
4) participate in church prayer times
5) find a spot in the church to faithfully SERVE.
We also have a specific GROW plan to encourage you. #growspiritually
1) have consistent daily devotions
2) Attend both Sunday service, and a LIFE Group,
3) and join the men, or women’s bible studies, and
4) participate in church prayer times
5) find a spot in the church to faithfully SERVE.
We also have a specific GROW plan to encourage you. #growspiritually