Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We seek to engage our community with humble service and to help others experience the Love of Christ by our actions and words. The great commission calls all of us to take what we know about Jesus and share it with others. Calvary Go is about reaching OUTWARD in our own BACKYARD and BEYOND.
Won't you do your part.
PRAY: make a commitment to cover us in prayer. PROVIDE: consider supporting our outreach efforts financially. PRESENCE: take a step of faith and be a part of these opportunities.
Won't you do your part.
PRAY: make a commitment to cover us in prayer. PROVIDE: consider supporting our outreach efforts financially. PRESENCE: take a step of faith and be a part of these opportunities.

Active Missionaries
Your Name Here
Won't you be the first of many to lead the charge of obeying the call of God to GO. We would love to support you: spiritually (encouraging you and equipping you) and financially (monthly support or even for short term trips).
Your Name Here
Won't you be the first of many to lead the charge of obeying the call of God to GO. We would love to support you: spiritually (encouraging you and equipping you) and financially (monthly support or even for short term trips).
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming BACKYARD Mission Trip
We are partnering with Lighthouse Church from Colorado to build new relationships through outreaches and build up our marriages and families through teaching, prayer and fellowship. August 11th-15th we will GO with a SERVANTS hearts into the streets and share God's Love. Junior High and Senior High students are welcome. Click to learn more.